Make Sense of all this Review Data
In a few clicks, using just one of many features, you can find exactly what the product does well and what needs to be improved (see video below)
Collective approach to research and development
We’ve reached the point where our clients now drive majority of the features. Our platform is built for you by your peers.
Our focus is to automate Amazon feedback research, analytics and provide intelligent answers to the most important questions around product performance.
Fanatical Support
Helping you achieve your goal is our priority (chat, phone, email)
Improve Products
Finally a way to learn about products’ strengths and weaknesses
Advanced Analytics
Machine Learning and NLP for intelligent answers
Monitor Competitors
Know what they do well and where they struggle
Big Picture
Monitor & Analyze data from Amazon and 15+ major retail sites
Fast & Scalable
Unlimited users, 1-10k+ products, constantly evolving